Gotcha! That delicious piece of scrumptious food was not my breakfast. Its was my DINNER. =) It was my dinner sometime last week, can't remember which.
First and foremost I want to apologise for my hiatus. Its not that I hate blogging but I don't really have the motivation to sit down here to type. To type something long coz of my cheong-hei-ness syndrome. I always think I got nothing to write or talk about but everytime I sit down here and start typing I wouldn't stop. Or couldn't. So for those who have come here to check out regularly(although i doubt anyone would do that lol).

There we go. Relieeeeeeved. So where were we. Ah. Yah that dinner of mine up there were made by me entirely. No buy buy from restaurant or mamak stall or kuai-lou stall. I was at a friend's place the other day playing cards for a while and they were frying/cooking bacon, and I immediately knew whats for dinner the next day! But they ate with mash potato la coz kuai lou right, so I made it even kuai-lou-er by frying bacon and sausages with baked beans and pork sausages cum bread. Although I wouldn't deny that the word pork makes me think bout BKT(Bak Kut Teh in case you noobs dunno what I talking bout, Malaysian arr you?)

Good dinner indeed.
So what has happened since during my last post? Hmm. WELL. Finally I got a taste of what a club is called. I hate to elaborate on that. But I have to say, "drinks and shots" here are not that cheap as expected you know. Well maybe coz its BATH, or maybe coz its UK? But I've been told that it should be cheaper here than Malaysia. Hmm. Maybe only i sorhem go pay this type of money? For those in the UK, do post a comment to quote the whisky or shots or rum you have drank. Don't say you dunno ah, don't bullshyt. Especially those studying/living in Lundun land people. Again, its LONDON if you noobs still don't get it. Oh and those Melbourne readers, contribute also lah k? Tell us how much your so happening-city-with-ample-malaysians sell the drink you have been drinking regularly. =) No offence. I like Melbourne too. So many friends. Lol. Oh and you lucky chaps back in Subang or Malaysia Land also kindly quote. Sushi and Ding and Uncle Ben and A-B-C don't tiam tiam ah. Time to express yourself! tsk tsk.
Classes is going on to as normal. And gathering pace. If i don't start revising I will Malaysian style. Did curve sketching last week and the equations they gave for the sketch is I never see before! Got so many types and many asymptotes and curve here and there. I'm good at Maths(k la not bad la) but i S*CKED at CURVE SKETCHING. HELP. But luckily got some kind enough asians and europeans willing to offer me some helping hands so I guess I will pick it up soon. And programming is getting harder as well, always need ask people for guidance or not i can face the pc whole afternoon and only produce a function. =.= But that shouldn't be a problem after I do more exercises. Its just the matter of practising really. Give me more questions to familiarise and I can do it. Surely. Hopefully. Coz everytime we have the programming lecture in the Uni Hall, got 300+ students as we are joined by 2nd year Mechanical Engineering students. The lecturer stand infront with the slide and explain all those examples. HELLO. I know you doing your job to teach us how to use but you can't just show us without us TRYING it first hand right? Its like giving a laptop to 90 year-old apek and ask him to blog right. Thankfully for the 3 hours of programming on Monday.
Well speaking bout exercise. I'm deprived of futsal. Yes i know I've boast about Bath Uni Sports Complex got 2 indoor and 2 outdoor futsal court free for us to use but TAKDA KAKI mar, AN JUA play? Solo run meh. I've been going swimming only and recently played basketball with some malaysians and chinese student at the indoor court! REALLY beautiful those indoor basketball courts. Got 2 and they are like NBA style. No need to go out and SAI TAI YANG or worried bout raining or worried bout uneven floor. Best. I gave them my number and the china people said they will tell me if they playing again. Cool cool. Thankx. Swimming is nice you know. The pool is world class coz olympic people(contestants?participants?athelics?) come here to train. Its a 50M pool. So i always swim 10 laps. Which makes Half a KILOMETER. Wah. Hows that? Geng leh. Lol. I know sounds little bout tiring lah you know. And 2 lanes of 8 only open for us coz always got training and stuff. Oh ya, and their changing room is Bath bersama-sama wan. NO. Not boy and girl. Boy and boy nia. So i always hide mine and shower with my speedo ON and then balik rumah baru mandi. Not somehting you would expect from me leh? Haha. Perverts. Not me.
So Malaysian night is coming. This week Wednesday. Lets go meet all the Malaysians here. I barely come here for a month and now I LOL adi. Lack of L_ V_? I wanna meet more people lah. Must meet and meet and meet till I know a lot!! Then can choose. lol. Choose what? Wait for people to choose also la. Oh yah I was chatting with this guy from Denmark and a few chinese and they were so fascinated bout our LAH and WAN when we speak back there in Malaysia. Coz a Malaysian guy came to speal with me in class and after that the Danish guy and chinese girl went like DID YOU ALL JUST SPOKE A FOREIGN LANGUAGE? COZ I COUNLDN'T UNDERSTAND A THING. Lol. And so i taught them how to use LAH and WAN. Best la. Just a thought: Since we always get WESTERNISED, why not we ASIAN-ISED or rather MALAYSIA-NISED them instead?
So Malaysian night is coming. This week Wednesday. Lets go meet all the Malaysians here. I barely come here for a month and now I LOL adi. Lack of L_ V_? I wanna meet more people lah. Must meet and meet and meet till I know a lot!! Then can choose. lol. Choose what? Wait for people to choose also la. Oh yah I was chatting with this guy from Denmark and a few chinese and they were so fascinated bout our LAH and WAN when we speak back there in Malaysia. Coz a Malaysian guy came to speal with me in class and after that the Danish guy and chinese girl went like DID YOU ALL JUST SPOKE A FOREIGN LANGUAGE? COZ I COUNLDN'T UNDERSTAND A THING. Lol. And so i taught them how to use LAH and WAN. Best la. Just a thought: Since we always get WESTERNISED, why not we ASIAN-ISED or rather MALAYSIA-NISED them instead?
See what i meant. I type 1 hour liao. Now 12am adi. Thats why I scard to write a post la. But i really like to. K la I will try to cut chort next time K.
So thats it. O2 rejected my contract for a 18-month contract mobile phone coz I never meet tehir credit criteria shyt. I'm gonna KNN them at the mobile store tomorrow liao. Till next time, dahlings.
p.s. Kinda regret putting up that BKT pics, make me even more homsick.
" .. helLo .. "
" .. got misS me anot ~ ? (".) .. "
" .. confirm don't have ler . ("p) .. "
" .. haha . your bLog so funNy ler . got alL kinds of language inside . haha .. "
" .. btw . hope you are doing great there . =) .. "
hahahaha you dont always have to write an essay mah that takes up more than an hour blogging! :) but i dont think u can la cos u mmg chiong hei wan haha :P
but that makes ur blog funny. it's like i can hear you talking!
Argh! Food AGAIN on your blog! My tummy's growling now in the middle of the night thanks to your mouth watering pics of sausages and bkt! hmmph!
i miss bah kut teh!
HAHA Damn funny la ur post. As usual jiat mah ^^
As u said why not Malaysian-ise them, yeah we should and be proud of all the ENGLISH ERRORS that all of us malaysians do verbally.
BAH KUT TEH just had it last sunday for lunch with pei yun all after meeting XD hahaha u tak boleh makan! OMG u totally missed the best Seafood dinner yet organised by us da yi 3yi 4 yi gang, sempena my mummys birthday! haaha why i say that? This u hav to check out the pictures wuan zhu took as evidence(in her blog) for u to miss us even more. LOL seriously DAMN KAU KENG got sang har mee(Not the mention the humongous prawns) and Chilli Crab + Cheese Crab, Ostrich(tender, sedaaap giler!) the list goes on and on.
Best giler ur college/ uni i duno which, got like Olympics standard facilities and yeah speaking abt futsal kai loong is injured. HAHAH Padan muka. U ask him abt it lah hahaha loooong story. Come back must bring me go futsal ok. Kononnya u go so much also nvr bring yr dear cousin go play play. =P
To be honest,I really dun know the price of rums, whisky, shots etc here.HAHA....True!!!! Even i'm in London! LOL... and dun say that I'm bullshyting...I'M NOT!!!=P
And if u really miss Bak Kut Teh, why don't u just go to cardiff ?? its an hour journey from bath oli..
LOL (get what i mean?)
heard that u got ur K850i rite???? summore blue wan rite??? why??? WHY???? I'm going to take tat deal too...yer...=p Anyway, I'll still take that!!! hehe...
lok: la, i miss everyone in malaysia la! Haha, u reading a malaysian blog wert, sure rojak language la right.
sushi: hmm yah i just realised that i can make a really short post. i will do that from now on if im free! yah so that u can feel my presence right? :P
lynnie: haha. i warn you d before u come here! go cook ur own la, or u can alwiz have a bread and look at my pics! dun alwiz think bout eat la u. =P
gypsy: then go back klang makan!!
rach: ooohhh. yah saw the blog d. eish. sengaja wanna KEK me. oh he injured? lol ok i msg him. thx for visiting btw.
ching: u know wan, u dun wan say nia. nvm u will know soon, if not i will bring u when i come london in dec!! why go cardiff leh? cardiff got bak kut teh shop? wf?
yah got d. dam lan geng. HAHA I TOOK IT FIRST. once keluar here i got d. i bring to class every1 wanna see. haha. take green wan la u! dun same like me! :D
who say no one visits ur blog frequently...dun look down on ur blog leh..hope u'll really cook cos u seem to be cooking a lot of processed stuff..ham, sausages, baked beans, bread..u get the point?haha.jia you n dun knn or dulan or wateva already la.
Jiat u are so stupid..cardiff bakuteh means saiful la...wth...come huddersfield la..I got bakuteh..haha..
ps: my cooking still the best...Haha...
what do u mean 'WF'???? how dare you??? *angry*
Anyway, u're so slow man, can't get what i mean, Haihz...go clubbing too often until brain damage d...
I'm not going to take the green one, my sister now is using that, so I will still take the blue wan..*bluek* =p
mx: haha, say nia ma, how i kno. sw. true, all processed good. ish. i very noob wan lam but i will learn more when i balik in december. i just like to use microwave. lol. sometimes if sad or angry must knn mcb or dulan ma =D thx!
shin: oh ya hor wtf. dint realise that. but that bak kut teh in cardiff cannot eat wan, sinful. lol. ur cooking the best? knn la u. =P
ching: i say wtf means i terperanjat la. sorry ar i abit slow coz really long time no bak kut teh liao. swt. y u all follow me. blue. buy N95 la good! but i know u sure buy liao la. cis. copyright, must sue you. =P
haha jiat..tell u what i tried..stella guiness smirnoff corona..dats all sofar..LOL
like ur blog..very MALAYSIAN..keep on going..oops gotta go to class
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